Ali Gordon

Drown out the noise

“Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.” This was a fitting quote for a headphone shoot I did recently!

 As you know I like a quote here and there so if you have any that you particularly like or that are personal to you I’d love to know and see if I can incorporate them into a post at some point in the future.

It’s done the rounds over the years but Steve Jobs Stanford University address is still a great read (or listen if like me you prefer things on YouTube). It has many memorable quotes but the one above about drowning out the noise has always stayed with me. It is one of the easiest things we can do to get bogged down with the noise of other people’s opinions.

I don’t know about you but I find that sometimes when I’m motivated by an idea or action I have to keep it to myself for a bit because if I tell people they end up killing my energy for that idea or action. Their response can be to highlight the risk or the negative side of things or it can be that they just don’t agree with my level of enthusiasm for the idea/action. There is no rule that they have to match it. There is no rule that they have to be positive, supportive or even give me the response I’m looking for. It’s because I’m putting too much on other people’s opinions that I can get bogged down by their reaction to things and their opinions can influence me. 


Whilst opinions are important, when it comes to what we want to do with our lives with ideas and actions that affect us and us alone then I think more often than not it is good to be focused and good  practice to drown out the noise. In the end it just becomes a distraction or a deterrent to making no choice, following no ideas and ultimately leads to a lot of inaction.

This shoot felt poignant to today’s blog post theme as the pixel stretch from the headphones was a visual that I came across on Joe Cavazos account. I feared that should I receive negative feedback from those I ran it past before attempting it I would be persuaded not to give it a go. The truth is that it is different but I like it and in a strange coincidence I was drowning out the noise with Bang & Olufsen.

If you haven’t already, check out B&Os products. You won’t regret it!

I’ll leave with another quote from the same speech as above so we can all have that Monday motivation – “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become”.

Stay safe

Affiliate Links used

Headphones ( Part of a campaign on IG )  – HERE 

Trousers – HERE

Jacket ( Similar ) – HERE 

Shirt – HERE