“If you are tired, learn to rest not quit” – I saw this quote when I was looking for a one liner to introduce today’s blog post. It’s a good reminder that rest is not quitting and annoyingly it can feel like it is sometimes so being strong and rising above that is key.
Summer is truly on it’s way and it’s certainly going to be one to enjoy as the rules of lockdown relax and we are able to do more things. With that relaxation of the rules I think there will be a pressure to be out and doing things all the time and with that it can be forgotten that the last year has been tough for a huge number of people and for many there has been no rest at all really.
With work, it’s become common that we’ve become available at all hours of the day and been working at all hours of the day. Even though we’ve been at home, from speaking with friends and family, many agree that there has never really felt a time (in the last year) that anyone has been able to take time to themselves and relax or properly rest. ( this is of course subject to those who have been fortunate enough to continue working, which in my circles has been the case )
Properly switching off is so key to being able to keep a good work rate going in the long run and after the year everyone has had it’s more than fair to take time for yourself and rest. This doesn’t mean you are quitting but instead means you are recharging.
With all the buzz behind getting back to normal don’t forget to take time for you. Even if it’s just a short break or sitting out in the sun for a little bit.
Take care and stay safe
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