This weekend has seen the UK subject to a heatwave. Temperatures were hitting 27/28+ and it’s been nice to see a summer of sport really kick into gear. Having seen the situation in Canada with there heatwave I was hoping that things didn’t get to that level and luckily whilst it was incredibly hot it was still a weekend that could be enjoyed.
I was fortunate enough to be at the Grand Prix this weekend and whilst I would happily go into the events in detail I know enough people that record the F1 to watch it later so I won’t give out any spoilers on here today. What I will say is, what and incredible race the drama on track created an awesome atmosphere that added to the weekends experience. Also I must add a thank you to Fusion Lounge and Ferrari Trento for hosting me.
I feel like Silverstone really came to life this weekend and seeing everybody out and about excited for the days events was a real boost. If you are an F1 fan make sure to check out my Instagram Feed and Stories for content from the weekend.
It’s been quite the few weeks of sport and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. We’ve gone through the roller-coaster of the Euros and then the excitement of Wimbledon now to enjoy the Open Golf and the F1. This is all before the Olympics starts at the end of this week!
I think the Premier League starts up again in August!
Let me know what sporting events you are looking forward to over the coming weeks and the rest of the summer. Keeping my attire cool and stylish with a short sleeve linen shirt from Onsloe & my go to trousers from Them Sweeney finished off with the G.H Bass loafers.
In the meantime, stay safe and stay cool as the heatwave looks like it will last a bit longer into this week.
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