Ali Gordon



Today I wanted to talk about the learning curve. It’s a strange one as it’s something that we all have to go through in order to better ourselves but it can seem hugely counter productive at the same time.

Let me roll this all back and explain. When I talk about the learning curve what I’m referring to is when you try to implement a new practice in your life whether it’s a new skill say photography or to be more efficient say by using new software or technology. This curve starts off really flat and you feel like you are going absolutely nowhere. Then, eventually, after a lot of time and effort you end up hitting the upwards curve and reaping the benefits of the time you put in. You become more proficient in that task or practice that you’ve implemented.


The reason why I have brought this up is because at the moment I am trying to implement a few new practices and learn some new skills all at the same time. This probably isn’t wise. I’m trying to implement a new efficient system for storing my content and organising or my life admin which takes adjusting to and in order for it to be as efficient as it can be I need to understand it…annoyingly that takes time. Then there’s the new skills I’m trying to learn.

For those of you that have seen my feed posts over the last 12 months or so you will have seen that I’m doing more work with editing to make some great concepts come to life. One of my favourite concepts I’ve brought to life is the walking through a mirror concept which you can see here. Bringing this all back to the learning curve, the problem that arises is that each concept needs a new skill to be implemented and so I am constantly feeling as if I am in the flat part of the learning curve a lot of the time.



Whilst the reaction to this content is great, it has pushed me into a corner slightly in that I feel a need to consistently produce these concepts when in reality they take a lot of time and a long period on the learning curve to get right. Not every concept will come off and I have to accept that this content is something I will have to roll out over time not every single post.


More generally I guess the difficulty with the learning curve is that it feels almost as if you have to go a step backwards to go two steps forward. I’m all for that and in the long term it will pay off…however it sucks in the meantime. Like running a marathon or pushing yourself at anything you have to push through that wall and you have to put in the time. It’s worth knowing though that we’ve all been there and we are all going through it so talk to your friends and family and those around and don’t let it get you down. Hone those new skills, implement those more efficient practices and don’t let the learning curve get you down. In the long run they will get you to a better place where you will look back and wonder why you made such a fuss.

My advice for approaching the learning curve – Put your best foot forward.

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Movie Spot Light – HERE

Grey trousers – HERE 

Black T – HERE 

Studio Light – HERE 

Umbrella – HERE 

Chair- HERE

Studio Drop Back – HERE