Ali Gordon


“He who doesn’t look ahead remains behind” – I was looking for a quote to sum up the focus of today’s post and this hit the nail on the head.

Since last March it’s safe to say we’ve all seen our share of moments where we have felt optimism and pessimism in equal measure. There have definitely been moments where we have all felt there isn’t light at the end of the tunnel and that this long running nightmare wasn’t going to end.

During the more difficult moments of this crisis, I have often found myself looking back as the situation has seemed never ending. I’ve been looking back at the great moments of my life and wondering if and when I might be able to have similar experiences.

Gradually, the longer everything has gone on, I have begun to realise how easy it is to look backwards, to keep your mindset in the past and be constantly reevaluating it and scrutinising moments long gone. It’s clear that this mindset creates a very unhealthy negative emotion and it can be quite soul destroying.

I’ve come to recognise this soul destroying nature of the mindset since the announcement of the June 21st date which is hopefully going to be the end of this situation we find ourselves in. This announcement of a date in the future where everything will be able to start up again where we can begin to move forward from something better resembling a normality that we have known most our lives has led me to realise that looking ahead and looking forward has such a positive effect on the mind.

Since this announcement, I have found myself more proactive, more focused and more optimistic.

It is by no means an easy thing to do but the quote at the top of this post rings true. If you can focus your mind to look ahead and to think forward you tend to be more positive in your attitude to things.

I’m starting to wonder whether one of the most difficult things about these lockdowns is feeling like there hasn’t been a future to work towards.

I’m making a very generalised point here but in essence what I am trying to say is this, if we look backwards or feel like there isn’t a future to work towards we can get stuck with a negative mindset that is rooted in past memories and past moments. If we try to look forward and look ahead to a future that we are working toward, the resulting effect seems to be a more positive mindset.

I may have waffled on too long here but I am keen to know your thoughts and how you have felt since the June 21st announcement.

Take care and stay safe

Jacket – HERE 

Roll Neck – HERE 

Trousers – HERE 

Shoes – HERE