Ali Gordon


AD. As we approach the run-in for Christmas our lives can become quite chaotic, well at least for me that’s the case. There’s work which gets busier and busier, Christmas parties and social events that take up lots of the week nights and then there’s the organisation and logistics for Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years! 

With all this going on keeping a grooming routine consistent can be difficult so it’s great when you can upgrade your tools and nows the time with the Black Friday sales!!!! Let’s not forget these sales are also a chance to gift someone you care about with some of the latest and greatest grooming tools too…not just for yourself.

As many of you know I’ve been a fan of Braun’s products for so long and the main thing I enjoy about their tools is the flexibility for how they can be used. We all have different styles, different hair types and no doubt struggle with different levels of sensitive skin. The Series 7 is ideal for flexibility having 5 shaving modes including sensitive, turbo for extra power or gentleness all at the touch of a button. Sometimes I want to be methodical and slow and other times I need to be quick but thorough. The Series 7 supports that lifestyle. 

My work also involves adapting to lots of change. Adapting is something we are all doing all the time in a fast paced and ever changing world. When it comes to grooming though, ideally I want the products to adapt to me. The Series 7 does this in a great way by having built in response intelligence that adapts to the unique features on your face, giving you a close and comfortable shaving experience. That’s why they call it the Smart Shaver. 

On top of this feature and coupled with the 5 shaving modes, we’ve also got four synchronised shaving elements for achieving in one stroke which other previous devices need two for. The shaver is suitable for wet and dry shaving so whatever your preference this tool has you covered. All in all the Braun Series 7 is a great gift and a great buy for yourself. 

For me personally I use the tool on my neck and even gifted one to my hairdresser to tidy up loose hairs I grow around my neckline. If you would like to read up more about the product make sure you check out the  Amazon link HERE.

This Post is in Partnership with Braun Grooming

Click HERE for the Series 7