Ali Gordon

My Shaving & SkinCare Routine with Baxter of California

This skincare is perfect for keeping your face hydrated clean cut & smooth, So lets be honest us guys are pretty rubbish when it comes to looking after our skin, we could probably take a tip or two off the girls. I have been making more of an effort  over the past year or two as I notice age is starting to show minor signs, I should probably try and keep as youthful as I can until I just embrace maturing into my later years.

The products featured are ideal for a shaving routine, shaving should be enjoyed by a gentleman not viewed as a chore, time and care should be taken, personally I have a groomed stubble so my wet shave areas only include the outline of my beard to create my desired shape, this doesn’t change the routine I follow, I am custom to using a cut throat razor which I enjoy and have to say has given me the tightest shave to date, Baxter of Califorina sent me out this stunning safety razor which is the same blade you would use in a disposable cut throat, it consists of a single blade shave with a guide to help prevent not illuminate risks of cutting the skin. It defiantly pairs measures up against the cut throat.

Now onto my routine I will try and keep this as short and simple for you guys so the bullet point stages below are probably the easiest form of running over it.

I hope you enjoyed this little post on shaving and skin care I have attached a link to Baxter of California below as always so you guys can take a look at there range and the current packages they are selling. I am a huge fan of there products so i know you guys won’t be disappointed.

Shop the Kit HERE

Shop the Razor & Brush HERE

Baxter Of California – The Range