Ali Gordon

Skin Supplements | The Truth

I’m a very sceptical person and always take life with a pinch of salt, I guess I find it softens disappointment or accelerates success. With that in mind you may have seen my previous post which featured IMEDEEN skincare tablets a few months back (My Autumn Skincare routine) I had  been introduced to the brand & the benefits they can have on your collagen levels, I can’t ignore that I am getting older and the signs are showing so as you can imagine I was all ears.

 After a few months of supplementing one tablet twice a day I have some exciting results to share with you. The first scan was taken prior to the course, the second scan is after three months of use (90days). You can see from the Ultra sound scans there has been great improvement in my epidermis & the Dermis is full of more visual collagen which is exactly what I was looking for. But what does this mean & how do I benefit from this change? It’s simple the increased levels of collagen within the dermis will create a stronger firmer base for my skin to lay on, this in turn will create smoother healthier looking skin. The increased collagen will also help retain more water keeping my skin more hydrated throughout the day.

I can feel a noticeable improvement within my skin. It’s visually smoother & I don’t experience really tight dehydrated skin like I used to under my eyes – It feels good. Of course I still apply my moisturisers & eye creams however IMEDEEN has tackled the areas those products can’t reach. I’m left feeling so happy with the results of this course & I hope you find the scans below intriguing. – AG


The Curved black line to the left of the scan represents the scanning tools face. The vertically straight black line running parallel with the yellow marker lines show my Epidermis (Skin) Pay attention to the darkness of the skin layer in comparison to the scan taken after use, Also pay attention to the density of my Dermis (The blue section)


As you can see the increased volume of collagen from the IMEDEEN course has created a fuller denser foundation for my skin which supports the improved results I noticed. My Skin density levels increased from 44 to 55 after trialling the supplements for 3 months.

If you would like to take a free skin scan of your own click the link – HERE

Or to find out more on Imedeen visit – HERE

The post is in partnership with Imedeen however all views are my own