Ali Gordon


“When you stretch your mind, you stretch the world around you”

These images speak for themselves in relation to this quote as the two just really go hand in hand.

As some of you have been nice enough to comment over recent months, I’ve been making a real effort to take my content to the next level. One of the hardest parts of this has been to find creative approaches that are new and innovative for the space I am in…then there’s trying to achieve these approaches in reality but we’ll save a post about that for another time.


I’ve found that with trying to be creative I can’t force it and ultimately it’s mostly a case of letting the ideas present themselves rather than pursuing them.

There is also a lot to be said for allowing these ideas to fail. Try and fail and accept that failure is part of the creative process.

Let me know what you think of these pixel stretches as I am thinking of doing more and playing around with them a bit to see what can be created. The idea was not my own creative credit is due to the talented Joe Cavazos and I think credit is due when inspiration is taken, recognition is important and well deserved with joes eye to think outside the box. 

Stay safe