Ali Gordon




It feels now more than ever I live a fast paced life, maybe it’s part of adulating or simply a choice of lifestyle. Either way It’s a fair analysis to say many of us live a media saturated and noise polluted lifestyle, and this is why is it so important to create a space of tranquility to relax and unwind. I had some friends over recently and whilst enjoying a summers evening we reflected on the serenity of sitting around a bonfire and listening to the sound of crackling firewood.

This chat lead to the creation of our very own home campfire, the perfect spot to enjoy one an others company and of course a glass of wine whilst roasting some marshmallows over the naked flame. There is something refreshing about sitting out in the wilderness listening to the sound of nature and settling into a state of relaxation. The perfect summer evening should be one that  continues to reward you the next day with a fresh clear head ready to seize the day and be as productive as you can possibly be, unlike the headache and body shut down following a night on the town.

I managed to build this with very minimal outlay, I picked up some sleepers from a local merchants and cut them using a hand saw to create two benches to sit on. I then laid a large bag of bark and confined the fire with white pebbles which happened to be the largest outlay of the project. To finish off the campfire I picked up a side table and lanterns from B&Q and rugs from Home sense. Now all we had to do was pick up some American style marshmallows from Costco & Graffigna wine from Sainsbury’s and we were good to go.

 I suggest every now and then we get unplugged, give ourselves a digital detox for the night, spend time with people we love, embrace our surroundings and lower the noise level. Feel good.


Jumper  TopMan – HERE

Jeans Forage – HERE

Shoes Ralph – HERE